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If you have been recently bereaved, we want to express our deepest sympathy We are willing to be of any help we can to you personally or with arrangements for the funeral service.

As this time between the death and the funeral is filled with so many thoughts and feelings, and with so many practical arrangements, we hope the following information helps in planning the service and making decisions about it.

The funeral
The first thing you will be asked about the service is whether you have cremation or burial in mind.

If you choose cremation, your Funeral Director will give you full details and our Rector is willing to travel to local crematoria to conduct the service. If you wish, a funeral service can be held in our village church prior to committal at the Crematorium. There is provision in Blofield churchyard for the interment of cremated remains.

If you choose a burial, then please consider the following. Blofield Churchyard was closed a few years ago, but a new cemetery was created in Brundall on Cucumber Lane. This is shared between Blofield and Brundall villages. It is normal to hold a service in church before interment in the cemetery.

The service
Your Funeral Director can arrange for a personal Order of Service to be printed and will ask if you have any particular choice of hymns. Other suitable pieces of music can sometimes be played by our organist or on CD’s. Our Rector will be pleased to discuss the details of the service with you.

Churchyard regulations
Full details of the churchyard regulations can be found here.

Church fees
The church fees for the funeral service, whether by burial or cremation, will be paid on the day of the service by your Funeral Director, and included in his invoice to you later. Fees for cremation go in total to the Diocese of Norwich. Fees for a service in church and burial in the churchyard are divided between our own church and the Diocese of Norwich.

Clergy conducting services receive no part of the fee themselves. Where travel, to a crematorium for example, is involved the minister receives travelling expenses in accordance with the published Norwich Diocesan Scale.

There is no fee for a committal at a crematorium following a service in one of our churches. A full list of fees is available.

After the funeral
Grieving is a natural and important part of coming to terms with bereavement. Feelings of sadness and gratitude, loss and longing, regret and anger, guilt and joy, often intermingle. At times we feel totally numbed or deeply despairing.

All these feelings are familiar scenery on a journey which usually takes longer than many of our friends and relatives may realise. Comfort and support often comes from others who have suffered a close bereavement, and, of course, from the faith and hope we have in Christ, and the experience of His love and daily presence.

Our Rector is willing to call at any time and looks forward to hearing from you, if you feel a visit from him might be of help.

Memorial service
Every year we hold an Memorial Service. The Rector reads out the names of all who have died in the last two years and includes other names by request.

Hymns for funeral services
Choosing the hymns for a funeral service is something very personal. It takes thought and time. We want hymns with a meaning for us – and hymns which those coming to the service will know and be able to sing.
The number of hymns depends on our choice and where the service is being held. Some prefer not to have any hymns at all – or just one. For a service in church, two hymns are usual but a third can be included. At a Crematorium, it is normal not to have more than two hymns.

The organist at the church or crematorium can sometimes play a suitably chosen piece of music as we enter or leave – and, at the Crematorium, taped/CD music can be arranged through the Funeral Director.

Some possible hymns are listed below – but others can be suggested and included:

Hymns of thanksgiving for life…

All things bright and beautiful
For the beauty of the earth
Lord of all hopefulness
Morning has broken
Now thank we all our God, with hearts and hands and voices
O God our help in ages past
Praise my soul the king of heaven
To God be the glory, great things he hath done

Hymns of faith and confidence in Christ…

Crown Him with many crowns
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
Great is thy faithfulness
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds, in a believer’s ear
Jesu, Lover of my soul
Just as I am, without one plea
Love Divine, all loves excelling
On a hill far away (The Old Rugged Cross)
Rock of Ages, cleft for me
The King of love, my Shepherd is
The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want
Thine be the Glory! Risen, conquering Son
Thine for ever, God of love

Hymns of farewell and commendation…

Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
For all the saints, who from their labours rest (selected verses)
He who would valiant be
I cannot tell why He who angels worship
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Now the day is over
O love that wilt not let me go
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended
There is a green hill far away
We rest on Thee, our shield and our defender (Tune: Finlandia)

Wednesday 12 March
  • 9:30 am Morning Worship, Blofield Church

  • 10:15 am Coffee and Chat, Blofield Church

  • 1:00 pm Play Church, Blofield Church

Saturday 15 March
  • 7:00 pm Music Quiz, Heathlands

Sunday 16 March
  • 11:00 am Holy Communion, Blofield Church

Wednesday 19 March
  • 9:30 am Holy Communion, Blofield Church

  • 10:15 am Coffee and Chat, Blofield Church

  • 1:00 pm Play Church, Blofield Church

Saturday 22 March
  • 8:30 am Big Breakfast, Blofield Church

Sunday 23 March
  • 10:30 am Benefice Holy Communion, Upton Church